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Terraform to spin up RDS instances with backups, enhanced logging and other sensible settings on a per environment basis.

Setup the variables#

Typically these would be in

variable "db_storage" {  type        = number  description = "Allocated storage, in GB, for the PostgreSQL instance"}variable "db_max_storage" {  type        = number  description = "The upper limit, in GB, to which PostgreSQL can automatically scale the storage of the DB"}variable "db_delete_protection" {  type        = bool  description = "Determines if the DB can be deleted. If true, the database cannot be deleted"}variable "db_name" {  type        = string  description = "The name of the database to create when the db instance is created"  default     = "myservice"}variable "db_username" {  type        = string  description = "The username for the master database user"  default     = "my_service"  sensitive   = true}variable "db_password" {  type        = string  description = "The password used for the master database user"  sensitive   = true}variable "db_instance_class" {  type        = string  description = "The database instance class"}# See: for storage tiers that support encryptionvariable "db_storage_encrypted" {  type        = bool  description = "Specifies whether the database instances data is encrypted"}variable "db_logs_exported" {  type        = list(string)  description = "Set of logs types to enable for exporting to CloudWatch logs. If empty, no logs will be exported"  default     = ["postgresql", "upgrade"]
  validation {    condition     = length(var.db_logs_exported) >= 0 && length(var.db_logs_exported) <= 2    error_message = "Exported log options are either: postgresql or upgrade."  }}variable "db_skip_final_snapshot" {  type        = bool  description = "Determines whether a final DB snapshot is created before the DB instance is deleted"}variable "backup_window" {  type        = string  description = "Time period e.g 23:00-23:55"  default     = ""}variable "backup_retention_period" {  type        = number  description = "Days to retain backups"  default     = 0}variable "performance_insights_enabled" {  type        = bool  description = "Enable performance insights"  default     = false}variable "rds_multi_az" {  type        = bool  description = "Enable multiple availabilty zones for RDS"  default     = false}variable "apply_immediately" {  type        = bool  description = "Apply changes to infrastrucure immediately"  default     = true}

Create the database#

Typically these would be in

resource "aws_db_instance" "postgres" {  identifier                      = "${terraform.workspace}-myservice-database"  allocated_storage               = var.db_storage  engine                          = "postgres"  engine_version                  = "12.7"  db_subnet_group_name            =  vpc_security_group_ids          = []  deletion_protection             = var.db_delete_protection  name                            = var.db_name  username                        = var.db_username  password                        = var.db_password  instance_class                  = var.db_instance_class  storage_encrypted               = var.db_storage_encrypted  skip_final_snapshot             = var.db_skip_final_snapshot  enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports = ["postgresql", "upgrade"]  allow_major_version_upgrade     = true  auto_minor_version_upgrade      = true  backup_window                   = var.backup_window  backup_retention_period         = var.backup_retention_period  copy_tags_to_snapshot           = true  performance_insights_enabled    = var.performance_insights_enabled  apply_immediately               = var.apply_immediately  multi_az                        = var.rds_multi_az}

Set the tfvars for production#

Typically these would be in production.tfvars.

db_storage                              = 100db_max_storage                          = 100db_delete_protection                    = truedb_instance_class                       = "db.t3.large"db_storage_encrypted                    = truedb_skip_final_snapshot                  = falsebackup_window                           = "23:00-23:55"backup_retention_period                 = 30performance_insights_enabled            = trueapply_immediately                       = falserds_multi_az                            = true

Set the tfvars for dev#

Typically these would be in dev.tfvars.

db_storage                              = 50db_max_storage                          = 50db_delete_protection                    = falsedb_instance_class                       = "db.t3.medium"db_storage_encrypted                    = falsedb_skip_final_snapshot                  = truenat_gateway_count                       = 1performance_insights_enabled            = trueapply_immediately                       = truerds_multi_az                            = false