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Basic Networking Template

AWS Network Diagram

Using this template as a starting point you will create a single VPC and 3 subnets.

The Public subnet is where the load balancers are attached and anything that requires direct access to the internet.

The App subnet is where your applications can live but any internet access (in or out) is via a routing rule through the Public subnet.

The DB subnet can talk to the App subnet by default but has no internet access in or out by default.

Availability zones are configurable but typically 2 for production and 1 for other environments.

The ALB forces HTTPS by redirecting HTTP traffic to HTTPS.


HTTPS is terminated at the ALB so traffic over the private network is not encrypted by default.


An EIP is always required for the NAT Gateway and is used as a static IP for outgoing traffic only.

Set the variables#

The az_count variable is used to configure number of availability zones the subnets are split over.

variable "az_count" {  type        = number  description = "Number of AZs to cover in a given region"  default     = 2}


resource "aws_vpc" "main" {  cidr_block           = ""  enable_dns_hostnames = true  enable_dns_support   = true}


data "aws_availability_zones" "available" {}
resource "aws_subnet" "public" {  count                   = var.az_count  vpc_id                  =  cidr_block              = cidrsubnet(aws_vpc.main.cidr_block, 8, count.index)  availability_zone       = data.aws_availability_zones.available.names[count.index]  map_public_ip_on_launch = true}
resource "aws_subnet" "app" {  count             = var.az_count  vpc_id            =  cidr_block        = cidrsubnet(aws_vpc.main.cidr_block, 8, var.az_count + count.index)  availability_zone = data.aws_availability_zones.available.names[count.index]}
resource "aws_subnet" "db" {  count             = var.az_count  vpc_id            =  cidr_block        = cidrsubnet(aws_vpc.main.cidr_block, 8, (2 * var.az_count) + count.index)  availability_zone = data.aws_availability_zones.available.names[count.index]}
resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "db" {  subnet_ids = aws_subnet.db.*.id}


resource "aws_alb" "main" {  name            = "${terraform.workspace}-myservice"  subnets         = aws_subnet.public.*.id  security_groups = []}
resource "aws_alb_listener" "front_end" {  load_balancer_arn =  port              = "80"  protocol          = "HTTP"
  default_action {    type = "redirect"
    redirect {      port        = "443"      protocol    = "HTTPS"      status_code = "HTTP_301"    }  }}
resource "aws_alb_listener" "front_end_ssl" {  load_balancer_arn = aws_alb.main.arn  port              = "443"  protocol          = "HTTPS"  ssl_policy        = "ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08"  certificate_arn   = "arn:aws:acm:eu-west-2:232705206979:certificate/b75eecc6-fff7-4114-b100-b1f0eb0641d7"
  default_action {    target_group_arn =    type             = "forward"  }}
resource "aws_alb_target_group" "webapp" {  name        = "${terraform.workspace}-webapp-target-group"  port        = var.webapp_port  protocol    = "HTTP"  vpc_id      =  target_type = "ip"
  health_check {    healthy_threshold   = "3"    interval            = "30"    protocol            = "HTTP"    matcher             = "200"    timeout             = "3"    path                = var.webapp_health_check_path    unhealthy_threshold = "2"  }
  lifecycle {    create_before_destroy = true  }}

Internet Gateway (routes incoming/outgoing traffic for your VPC)#

resource "aws_internet_gateway" "gw" {  vpc_id =}
resource "aws_route" "internet_access" {  route_table_id         = aws_vpc.main.main_route_table_id  destination_cidr_block = ""  gateway_id             =}

NAT Internet Gateway (outgoing traffic)#

resource "aws_eip" "gw" {  count      = var.nat_gateway_count  vpc        = true  depends_on = []}
resource "aws_nat_gateway" "gw" {  count         = var.nat_gateway_count  subnet_id     = element(aws_subnet.public.*.id, count.index)  allocation_id = element(*.id, count.index)}


resource "aws_route_table" "private" {  count  = var.nat_gateway_count  vpc_id =
  route {    cidr_block     = ""    nat_gateway_id = element(*.id, count.index)  }}
resource "aws_route_table_association" "app" {  route_table_id = element(aws_route_table.private.*.id, count.index)  count          = var.az_count  subnet_id      = element(*.id, count.index)}