ECS CloudWatch
Set the variablesThe enable_alerts variable is used to turn on/off notifications per environment.
variable "enable_alerts" { type = bool description = "When enabled CloudWatch alarm events are sent to the Alerts SNS Topic" default = false}variable "api_service_minimum_task_count" { type = number description = "Minimum number of expected tasks to be running for the API Service" default = 1}
AlarmsEach ECS service has an expected number of tasks running, often this is just a single task (e.g the web server). It's a useful way to check if the ECS service is healthy and alert on it.
Your Docker image should also have a health check and the service itself a health check endpoint which you can hook Route53 health checks into.
resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm" "ecs_webapp_task_count_too_low" { alarm_name = "ecs-${}-lowTaskCount" comparison_operator = "LessThanThreshold" evaluation_periods = 1 metric_name = "CPUUtilization" namespace = "AWS/ECS" period = 60 statistic = "SampleCount" threshold = var.webapp_minimum_task_count treat_missing_data = "breaching" alarm_description = "Task count is too low." alarm_actions = var.enable_alerts == true ? [aws_sns_topic.sns_technical_alerts.arn] : [] ok_actions = var.enable_alerts == true ? [aws_sns_topic.sns_technical_alerts.arn] : []
dimensions = { ClusterName = "${}" ServiceName = "${}"
resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm" "ecs_webapp_cpu_too_high" { alarm_name = "ecs-${}-highCPUUtilization" comparison_operator = "GreaterThanThreshold" evaluation_periods = 5 metric_name = "CPUUtilization" namespace = "AWS/ECS" period = 300 statistic = "Average" threshold = 80 treat_missing_data = "breaching" alarm_description = "Average CPU utilization is too high." alarm_actions = var.enable_alerts == true ? [aws_sns_topic.sns_technical_alerts.arn] : [] ok_actions = var.enable_alerts == true ? [aws_sns_topic.sns_technical_alerts.arn] : []
dimensions = { ClusterName = "${}" ServiceName = "${}" }}
resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm" "ecs_webapp_memory_too_high" { alarm_name = "ecs-${}-highMemoryUtilization" comparison_operator = "GreaterThanThreshold" evaluation_periods = 5 metric_name = "MemoryUtilization" namespace = "AWS/ECS" period = 300 statistic = "Average" threshold = 80 treat_missing_data = "breaching" alarm_description = "Average Memory utilization is too high." alarm_actions = var.enable_alerts == true ? [aws_sns_topic.sns_technical_alerts.arn] : [] ok_actions = var.enable_alerts == true ? [aws_sns_topic.sns_technical_alerts.arn] : []
dimensions = { ClusterName = "${}" ServiceName = "${}" }}